How to Enable the Daily or Weekly Hours Tracked Email Report

The Daily or Weekly Hours Tracked email report is a feature that allows managers and admins to receive a report showing the hours tracked and the unproductive time in their inbox on a daily or weekly basis. This report is sent in the early hours of each day (in the company's time zone) and shows the data from the previous day/week. 

How to Enable it

Managers and Admins can enable this report on the Account Settings page.

24.11.28. Weekly hours tracked Settings - Google Docs


The email report has two parts:

  • Total time worked: Display the hours worked by each user. Managers see only the individuals they manage. People who didn't work are shown as having worked 0 hours. Time added manually and using a mobile app is shown in different colors. Yellow - manual time, Green - computer time, and Blue - mobile time
  • Total unproductive time: Display the amount of time each user spends on websites and apps that are rated as unproductive. Managers only see the people they manage. 

24.11.28.Weekly hours tracked - Google Docs

The email report also includes an attachment with the CSV file of the report. To preview, open it in Google Sheets, or download and save it as a CSV file.