How to Configure and Use Breaks


Note: This feature is available on Standard and Premium Time Doctor Subscription Plans. Only Owners and Admins may configure this feature.

How Do Breaks Work?


Breaks in Time Doctor can be created with a time limit ranging from a 15-minute break to a maximum of a 4 hours and may be assigned to specific users or groups. It is important to know that all breaks are considered paid and will count toward the total work hours of the users who track them. Breaks assigned to particular groups or users will be visible on their desktop apps. They should be used to track breaks rather than pausing the app. During breaks, only the time is recorded, not activities such as screenshots or web and app usage. 


Who Can Take Breaks


Any user using the interactive version of the desktop app can take breaks provided that their company has made at least one break available to them. 


How to Configure Breaks

  1. Configure breaks by navigating to Settings/Breaks.
  2. Click Add Break to create breaks. You can specify the name of the break and assign it to Everyone in the company, Specific Groups, or Specific users. 
  3. Set a time limit for breaks by selecting an option from the dropdown, ranging from a 15-minute break to a maximum of 4-hour break.

    Break Limit Configure

  4. Breaks assigned to users or groups are displayed at the bottom of the users' desktop apps. 
    1. To use them, users must select a break from any of the available breaks on their desktop app instead of pausing the timer.

      timed break with projects and tasks enabled

    2. When on breaks, the timer counts down from the assigned time limit to 00:00 and when the limit is reached, the application will end break tracking and go into a paused state.

      Break ended Banner

  5. Archive breaks to remove them from users' desktop applications.



Where Can Breaks Be Seen in Reports?


Timeline Report

Breaks are shown in grey.


Hours Tracked Report

The total breaks tracked within a period are shown in the grey block.

Hours Tracked


User Dashboard

The total amount of time spent on breaks is shown. 





Are breaks included in the total time tracked?

Yes. Breaks are included in the total time tracked that is shown in reports. They are also included in the total time on the Payroll page. 


Is there any limit on how many breaks can be created? 

No. The number of breaks that can be created and assigned to specific users or groups within a company is unlimited.


What happens if a user pauses tracking instead of selecting a break? 

The time counts as non-working time and does not count towards the time spent on breaks. It is displayed as gaps between periods of tracked time in timelines. 


Can breaks be configured in a way that allows users to take breaks at specific times?

No. This is not available at the moment.


Can this feature be used with silent apps?

No. The silent apps have no user interface that will allow users to track breaks.


Why don't I see the breaks limit feature in my account?

Breaks feature is available for Standard and Premium subscription plans. If you are on these Time Doctor Subscription Plans and still don't see this feature, reach out to for assistance.