How to Set Up Custom Email Notifications

Set up email alerts to stay informed and proactive about user behavior patterns, with notifications sent directly to your inbox.

Note: This feature is available on the following Time Doctor Subscription plans.

  • Basic plans with limitation to one custom notification.
  • Standard and Premium Plans with full access.

What Types of Email Notifications Are Available?

Notifications for Daily, Weekly, and Real-time are available in Time Doctor. 

How do Email Notifications Work?

Each manager, admin, and owner can configure email notifications for themselves and any registered user in their Time Doctor account. Configure each email notification by selecting the conditions that must be met to trigger it and specify the users and days of the week the notification should apply to.

Weekly email notifications are sent at 2 AM on the start day of the week as configured in Email Notifications Settings

Daily email notifications are sent the next day at 2 AM in your company's time zone.

Real-time email notifications are sent soon after notification conditions are met. 

How to Set Up Email Notifications

Email notifications can be configured in different ways. One option is through the Settings / Email notifications.


Create New ButtonOn this page, click on the Create new button, and a side panel will open where you'll be able to:

  1. Assign a name: Give the notification a name for easy recognition.
  2. Choose Notification Type: Decide on the notification frequency, whether you want to be notified weekly, daily, or in real-time
  3. Set Trigger Conditions: Specify the condition that will trigger the notification.
  4. Designate Individual Recipients: Identify the individuals who should receive the notification. 
    1. Unsubscription Option: Recipients can unsubscribe from notifications on their settings and will not receive further alerts unless they re-subscribe.
    2. Permissions-Based Notifications: Recipients will ONLY receive notifications for users or groups they have permission to monitor, regardless of broader selections.
  5. Select Who to Monitor: Choose whether the notification applies to everyone, specific groups, or individual people.

When ready, click on the green Create button to save your setup.

Email Notif Form

Congratulations! You have created your first email notification. This will appear on the list of all the email notifications already set up. 


Owners, Admins, and Managers can also set up targeted email notifications directly from the following reports.


  1. Simply click the Create Notification at the top of the page, right below the Menu bar. A side panel will open for an easy setup process.
  2. Follow the same steps outlined in setting up email notifications through the Settings / Email notifications page. 
  3. Once done, the notifications created through the reports may be accessible from the Email Notification page. 
  4. When the conditions are met, the recipients will receive email notifications on the email addresses associated with their Time Doctor accounts.



Available Conditions for Daily Notifications

The following conditions can currently trigger notifications:

  • Too much unproductive time ("Unproductive time % per day greater than...")
  • Too little productive time ("Productive time % per day lower than...")
  • Too high idle minutes ("Idle minutes % per day greater than...")
  • Too high idle seconds ("Idle seconds % per day greater than...")
  • The user hasn't been active for some days ("Did not track time in...")
  • Too many or too few hours worked ("Daily hours worked greater/lower than...")
  • Late or early start time ("Start time later/earlier than...")
  • Too many unusual keyboard and mouse activity ("Unusual keyboard and mouse activity greater than...")

  • If you use the "Work schedules" feature - attendance issues: a user was late, absent, or partially absent for their shift ("Did not follow work schedule")
  • Manual or mobile time ("Manual or mobile time added"). You might want to enable this notification to review the time that is added manually. 

Available Conditions for Real-time Notifications

The following conditions can currently trigger notifications:

  • "User added leave time"
  • "User added manual time"
  • "User tracked break time"
  • "Didn’t start working" (notifies about users who haven’t started working by a specific hour)
  • "Didn’t start shift" (notifies about users who haven’t started working within the first 5 minutes of their shift start time)

Available Conditions for Weekly Notifications

The following conditions can currently trigger notifications:

  • Too many or too few hours worked ("Weekly hours worked greater/lower than...")