How to Update/Change Your Time Doctor Subscription Plan


  • Only the account owner can access the Settings / Billing page by default. If access to the Billing section needs to be granted to someone else in the company, go to Settings / Company Settings, scroll down to the Billing section, and select the user(s) who should have access to the Billing page.
  • If the account is on a free trial of Time Doctor, the subscription plan can only be successfully changed once a credit card is entered.

Upgrading or Downgrading the Subscription Plan while on Trial

1. Go to Settings/Billing.

Billing 1


2. Click on the pencil icon next to the Subscription Plan to access the different Plan options available and their features.

Billing 2


3. Choose between Pay Annually (discounted) or Pay Monthly.

4. Choose your Subscription Plan. Click on either Upgrade or Downgrade button to proceed.

Billing 3


5. If no credit card is attached, the card details must be entered under the Personal Info section before the update can be saved. Please note that NO payment will be processed before the trial ends.

Billing 5-1


6. Review the Subscription Plan, then click the Change Plan button to confirm.

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7. All the changes are saved, and the new Subscription Plan is confirmed in the Billing Details screen.

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Upgrading or Downgrading the Subscription Plan After the Trial

1. Start by completing Steps 1-5 in the section above (as if the account is still on a Trial)


2. When Upgrading, the subscription plan will immediately update at a prorated rate for the remainder of the current billing cycle, and the payment source on the account will be charged immediately.

To confirm the selection, click the Confirm Upgrade button for the changes to proceed.

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3. When Downgrading, it is important to remember that the subscription remains the same until the end of the current billing cycle.

Review and confirm the selection by clicking the Confirm Downgrade button. The new Subscription Plan will be charged and activated at the start of the new billing cycle.

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4. All changes made are saved, and the new Subscription Plan is confirmed in the Billing Details screen. 

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All set! The new subscription payment will be processed through the selected payment method once the trial is over.

For immediate assistance with any issues encountered while changing the subscription plan, contact