Provisioning Instructions
To learn how to set up provisioning in Time Doctor for admins, managers, and interactive regular users, see our full provisioning instructions.
Instructions for setting up provisioning for silent users will be available soon.
What Is Provisioning?
All companies that use software systems and applications face the need to enable appropriate access for new employees and employees whose roles have changed. Similarly, when employees leave the company, their access needs to be disabled.
For companies with a few dozen employees, this doesn’t pose much of a problem. Only one or two changes may be needed in a typical week. But for enterprise-scale companies with thousands of employees, the story is very different. Employees will be constantly changing and there is a high likelihood of errors. Even if all access changes are done correctly, it may be almost impossible to keep up!
Provisioning automates the tasks involved in adding and modifying employee records and providing each employee with the required access. The central tool for enterprise-scale provisioning is an identity and access management (IAM) system. Examples of such systems include Okta, SailPoint, and OneLogin, among others. When an employee is recorded in this system, or when an employee’s status is changed, the IAM system automatically updates that employee’s access to all necessary resources and applications.
Provisioning and Time Doctor
To configure the IAM system, each application needs to be integrated with the IAM system. Time Doctor is one such application. The integration itself will be performed by the enterprise developer, but the application must provide a robust set of APIs to support the software-controlled creation and modification of employee records. In the case of Time Doctor, these records include profiles that capture basic employee information and that configure the appropriate time monitoring parameters for that employee.
For this purpose, Time Doctor provides a set of RESTful APIs based on the System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) standard. The Time Doctor’s APIs don’t conform strictly to the SCIM API model, but they do provide a broad subset of the SCIM functionality.
To set up provisioning in Time Doctor, see our full provisioning instructions, and contact if you have any questions.