Unable to Install Time Doctor 2 App in Ubuntu

If when installing Time Doctor 2 interactive app on your Ubuntu 16/18, you encounter this error:


Then, after clicking the OK button, you are presented with this:

image (1)

Most likely, you are encountering a permission issue within the OS. To fix this, open the Terminal and type in the following commands:

  1. Enter this command: sudo chown -R $USER ~/Desktop/Time\ Doctor\ 2.desktop then hit Enter. You will be asked to enter the computer password. Once this is done, hit enter again, and then proceed with the next set of commands. 
  2. sudo chown -R $USER /opt/timedoctor2 then hit Enter
  3. sudo chown -R $USER ~/.config/TD then hit Enter
  4. sudo chown -R $USER ~/.local/share/TD then hit Enter

Once that is done, you may attempt to relaunch Time Doctor 2 or if needed, reinstall the app. If you need help installing the app, head over to this article: How to Install/Uninstall the Time Doctor Interactive App