Leave approvals: Allow your users to request paid leave time with Time Doctor

Prerequisite: Schedules have to be enabled in the Company Settings

Before you start using Leave Approvals, make sure that you have activated Schedules. See How to Set Up Schedules in Time Doctor for details. Also,  ensure you enable the option: Allow users to request paid leave under Company Settings. 

Purpose and use cases

Leave Approvals in Time Doctor have been designed to streamline the process of requesting and approving paid time off, ensuring accurate tracking of employee attendance while eliminating the need for manual adjustments. With Leave Approvals, regular users can submit time off requests for approval, simplifying the management of paid leave within your organization. 

Setting up paid leave

Regular users can request paid leave directly from the Schedules page, provided they have been granted permission via the company settings. To enable regular users to request paid leave, navigate to Permissions in Company settings and toggle on the option "Allow regular users to request paid leave."

Requesting paid leave:

  • Regular users can request paid time off by navigating to the Schedules page.
  • They can create a new Leave request, edit an existing one, or delete it as needed.
  • If a user edits an Approved Leave, the request will return to a "Pending approval" state, requiring manager approval again.
  • When requesting paid time off on a day with scheduled shifts, users must select the shift they want to take as paid leave.



Approving paid leave:

  • Managers receive approval requests for paid leave on the Approvals page.
  • They can approve or disapprove paid time off requests based on their discretion.
  • Once approved, paid leave is added to the user's Schedule automatically.
  • Disapproved requests can be approved later by managers.




Properties of paid leave in Time Doctor

  • Paid leave time is included in Total Time for Payroll and Hours tracked.
  • The user's status during paid leave is marked as "On Leave" in the Attendance Report.




  • Email notifications such as "Didn’t start shift" are not sent to users on paid leave.
  • Paid leave can only be added, modified, or deleted from the Schedules page.
  • Paid leave is marked in purple in various reports like Activity Summary, Hours Tracked, or Timeline.




  • To provide managers with easy access to their team's time off, a simple widget is available on the User dashboard. This widget displays approved past time off for the user, helping managers track their team's paid time off effectively.



For further assistance or questions regarding Leave Approvals, please refer to our Help Center or contact our support team.