How to Install/Uninstall the Time Doctor Interactive App

How to Install the App


Log in to your Time Doctor account, and go to the Download page. Select your operating system (if you are using both Silent and Interactive, please make sure to select Interactive App) and click on the button that says Download Time Doctor app for Windows. It should download the installer and save it to your Downloads page; find the installer and run the file to install the program.


Mac OS

Log in to your Time Doctor account, and go to the Download page. Select your operating system and click on Download Time Doctor app for MAC OS X. Save the installation file on your computer and double-click it when the download has finished. Drag and Drop the Time Doctor App to your Application folder.


Once the app is installed, you need to grant the necessary permissions. Follow the following steps:

  1. Open System Preferences.
  2. Go to Security & Privacy.
  3. Select Privacy.
  4. Select Accessibility and check the box next to Time Doctor.
  5. Select Screen Recording and check the box next to Time Doctor. (If you don't see Time Doctor in the list of apps, click the + button and add it manually.


Linux (Ubuntu)

Log in to your Time Doctor account, and go to the Download page. Select your operating system then click on Download Time Doctor app for Ubuntu

Look up the installer, right-click on it and go to Properties, then go to the Permissions tab and put a checkmark on Allow executing file as a program.

Then, right-click on the file again and select Run as a program.

After the installation is complete, navigate to the Apps folder and run the Time Doctor app.


How to Uninstall the App


First, you need to exit the app by clicking on Application / Exit. Next, click on the Windows key or search Uninstall to find and run the Uninstaller for Time Doctor 2

Mac OS

Click anywhere on the desktop to activate the Finder; from the menu bar at the top, click on Go and scroll down to Applications. Find the Time Doctor 2 app, simply right-click on the icon, and move it to the Trash.

Linux (Ubuntu)

Navigate to Home and go to the folder where you installed the app. Locate the uninstall file from inside that folder and run it.

Alternatively, you may run this command in the terminal  sudo ./timedoctor2/uninstall